100% efectivos

La moda: fuente de identidad de los peruanos

Annalucia Fasson, socia senior del área de Moda y Retail, comenta sobre las normas de la artesanía y la lucha contra la apropiación cultural, la regulación para la producción y comercialización de las fibras de alpaca y de vicuña.

El Peruano, 4 de setiembre de 2024

Fashion: source of identity of Peruvians

Annalucia Fasson, senior partner of the Fashion and Retail area, comments on the rules of craftsmanship and the fight against cultural appropriation, the regulation for the production and commercialization of alpaca and vicuña fibers.

El Peruano, September 4, 2024

Fashion: source of identity of Peruvians

Annalucia Fasson, senior partner of the Fashion and Retail area, comments on the rules of craftsmanship and the fight against cultural appropriation, the regulation for the production and commercialization of alpaca and vicuña fibers.

El Peruano, September 4, 2024

Casilla electrónica y el Tribunal de Sunafil

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre la última pronunciación por parte del Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral de Sunafil respecto a las casillas electrónicas.

El Peruano, 4 de setiembre de 2024

Electronic mailbox and Sunafil's Tribunal

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the latest pronouncement by the Labor Inspection Court of Sunafil regarding electronic mailboxes.

El Peruano, September 4, 2024

Electronic mailbox and Sunafil's Tribunal

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the latest pronouncement by the Labor Inspection Court of Sunafil regarding electronic mailboxes.

El Peruano, September 4, 2024

¿Puedo grabar a mis trabajadores en el centro laboral?

Flavia Sosa, abogada del Estudio Muñiz sede Piura, analiza si un empleador puede grabar en el centro laboral a sus trabajadores.

Diario Correo, 4 de setiembre de 2024

Can I record my employees at the workplace?

Flavia Sosa, attorney at Estudio Muñiz Piura, analyzes whether an employer can record its employees at the workplace.

Diario Correo, September 4, 2024

Can I record my employees at the workplace?

Flavia Sosa, attorney at Estudio Muñiz Piura, analyzes whether an employer can record its employees at the workplace.

Diario Correo, September 4, 2024

Desayuno Ejecutivo | agosto 2024

Desayuno Ejecutivo | agosto 2024

Executive Breakfast | August 2024

Executive Breakfast | August 2024

Executive Breakfast | August 2024

Executive Breakfast | August 2024

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