100% efectivos

Congreso aprobó elevar la edad para el cese de un trabajador

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre la aprobación, por parte de la Comisión Permanente del Congreso, de extender de 70 a 75 años la edad máxima para la jubilación obligatoria de un trabajador.

Gestión, 19 de enero de 2024.

Congress approves raising the age for termination of a worker

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the approval, by the Standing Committee of Congress, to extend from 70 to 75 years the maximum age for mandatory retirement of a worker.

Gestión, January 19, 2024.

Congress approves raising the age for termination of a worker

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the approval, by the Standing Committee of Congress, to extend from 70 to 75 years the maximum age for mandatory retirement of a worker.

Gestión, January 19, 2024.

Aprueban extender la edad máxima para la jubilación

Aprueban extender la edad máxima para la jubilación

Extension of maximum retirement age approved

Extension of maximum retirement age approved

Extension of maximum retirement age approved

Extension of maximum retirement age approved

Aprueban extender la edad máxima para la jubilación

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta en la entrevista las implicancias que tendría el proyecto legislativo que busca extender la edad máxima para la jubilación.

Canal N, 19 de enero de 2024.

Extension of the maximum retirement age is approved

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments in the interview on the implications of the legislative bill that seeks to extend the maximum retirement age.

Canal N, January 19, 2024.

Extension of the maximum retirement age is approved

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments in the interview on the implications of the legislative bill that seeks to extend the maximum retirement age.

Canal N, January 19, 2024.

¿Perjudica a los trabajadores que el descanso médico por COVID-19 sea facultativo? Esto dicen los especialistas

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre la nueva medida que dispone que los descansos médicos de los pacientes diagnosticados con COVID-19 sean facultativos.

Infobae, 17 de enero de 2024.

Does it harm workers that medical leave for COVID-19 is optional? This is what specialists say

César Puntriano, senior partner in the Labor Law and Social Security area, comments on the new measure that provides that medical breaks for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 are optional.

Infobae, January 17, 2024.

Does it harm workers that medical leave for COVID-19 is optional? This is what specialists say

César Puntriano, senior partner in the Labor Law and Social Security area, comments on the new measure that provides that medical breaks for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 are optional.

Infobae, January 17, 2024.

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