100% efectivos

Mapeo de los Marcos Regulatorios que habilitan la Economía de Impacto & ESG en Latinoamérica

Annalucia Fasson, socia senior y directora del área de Moda y Retail, contribuyó en el proyecto “Mapeo de los marcos regulatorios que habilitan la economía de impacto & ESG en Latinoamérica”, una iniciativa que busca identificar la regulación existente en la región relacionada con los asuntos particulares del ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) y la economía de impacto. 

Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL), 19 de febrero de 2024.

Mapping the Regulatory Frameworks that Enable Impact Economics & ESG in Latin America

Annalucia Fasson, senior partner and head of the Fashion & Retail practice, contributed to the project “Mapping Regulatory Frameworks Enabling the Impact Economy & ESG in Latin America,” an initiative that seeks to identify existing regulation in the region related to particular ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) and impact economy issues. 

Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL), February 19, 2024.

Mapping the Regulatory Frameworks that Enable Impact Economics & ESG in Latin America

Annalucia Fasson, senior partner and head of the Fashion & Retail practice, contributed to the project “Mapping Regulatory Frameworks Enabling the Impact Economy & ESG in Latin America,” an initiative that seeks to identify existing regulation in the region related to particular ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) and impact economy issues. 

Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL), February 19, 2024.

CTS: las normas se deben dirigir a incentivar el mercado laboral

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre el proyecto que pretende que los trabajadores dispongan del 100 por ciento de su CTS hasta diciembre.

El Peruano, 16 de febrero de 2024.

CTS: regulations should be aimed at stimulating the labor market

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security area, comments on the project that intends that workers have 100 percent of their CTS until December.

El Peruano, February 16, 2024.

CTS: regulations should be aimed at stimulating the labor market

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security area, comments on the project that intends that workers have 100 percent of their CTS until December.

El Peruano, February 16, 2024.

El impacto jurídico del Fast Fashion

Annalucia Fasson, socia senior y directora del área de Moda y Retail, hace un análisis sobre el impacto que tiene el fast fashion en las diversas áreas jurídicas.

Idealex, 16 de febrero de 2024

The legal impact of Fast Fashion

Annalucia Fasson, senior partner and head of the Fashion and Retail practice, provides an analysis of the impact of fast fashion on the various legal areas.

Idealex, February 16, 2024

The legal impact of Fast Fashion

Annalucia Fasson, senior partner and head of the Fashion and Retail practice, provides an analysis of the impact of fast fashion on the various legal areas.

Idealex, February 16, 2024

Desayuno Ejecutivo | febrero 2024

Desayuno Ejecutivo | febrero 2024

Executive Breakfast | February 2024

Executive Breakfast | February 2024

Executive Breakfast | February 2024

Executive Breakfast | February 2024

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