100% efectivos

Means of payment in the process of importing merchandise

Frezzia Saavedra, senior partner of the Tax Law area of Estudio Muñiz; César Alva, senior partner of the Foreign Trade area; and Fredi Ramírez, legal advisor, participated in the webinar on the means of payment in the process of importing goods.

Means of payment in the process of importing merchandise

Frezzia Saavedra, senior partner of the Tax Law area of Estudio Muñiz; César Alva, senior partner of the Foreign Trade area; and Fredi Ramírez, legal advisor, participated in the webinar on the means of payment in the process of importing goods.

¿Se viene un nuevo feriado para este año?

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre los feriados disponibles durante este año y su impacto en el sector laboral.

El Peruano, 20 de febrero de 2024.

Is there a new holiday coming this year?

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the holidays available this year and their impact on the labor sector.

El Peruano, February 20, 2024.

Is there a new holiday coming this year?

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the holidays available this year and their impact on the labor sector.

El Peruano, February 20, 2024.

Responsabilidad del empleador ante una enfermedad profesional

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, explica qué es una enfermedad profesional y cuáles son las responsabilidades del empleador.

El Peruano, 20 de febrero de 2024.

Employer's liability for occupational disease

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, explains what an occupational disease is and what the employer’s responsibilities are.

El Peruano, February 20, 2024.

Employer's liability for occupational disease

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, explains what an occupational disease is and what the employer’s responsibilities are.

El Peruano, February 20, 2024.

M&A y las aprobaciones previas de Indecopi

Mauricio Olaya, socio principal y director del área de Derecho Corporativo y M&A, comenta cómo han sido para los actores del mercado de M&A peruano estos años contados a partir de la entrada en vigencia de la ley de control de concentraciones.

El Comercio, 19 de febrero de 2024.

M&A and Indecopi's prior approvals

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A practice area, comments on how these years since the entry into force of the merger control law have been for the players in the Peruvian M&A market.

El Comercio, February 19, 2024.

M&A and Indecopi's prior approvals

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A practice area, comments on how these years since the entry into force of the merger control law have been for the players in the Peruvian M&A market.

El Comercio, February 19, 2024.

M&A and Indecopi's prior approvals

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A practice area, comments on how these years since the entry into force of the merger control law have been for the players in the Peruvian M&A market.

El Comercio, February 19, 2024.

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