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Labor Note: Pay Equity

Labor Note: Pay Equity

Labor Note: Pay Equity

Labor Note: Pay Equity

Se espera alcanzar 200 fusiones y adquisiciones al cierre del presente año

Mauricio Olaya, socio principal y director del área de Derecho Corporativo y M&A, comenta cómo ha iniciado el 2024 para el M&A en Perú y qué se vislumbra para los próximos meses en diversos sectores.

Gestión, 18 de abril de 2024.

200 mergers and acquisitions expected by the end of this year

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A practice, comments on how 2024 has started for M&A in Peru and what is on the horizon for the coming months in various sectors.

Gestión, April 18, 2024.

200 mergers and acquisitions expected by the end of this year

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A practice, comments on how 2024 has started for M&A in Peru and what is on the horizon for the coming months in various sectors.

Gestión, April 18, 2024.

MTC opina a favor de actualizar ley del Sistema Portuario, ¿cómo afectaría la norma al puerto de Chancay?

Juan Carlos Salinas, socio senior y director del área de Infraestructura, APP y OxI, comenta a favor de una futura actualización de la Ley del sistema portuario nacional.

El Comercio, 17 de abril de 2024.

MTC is in favor of updating the Port System Law, how would the law affect the port of Chancay?

Juan Carlos Salinas, senior partner and director of the Infrastructure, PPP and OxI area, comments in favor of a future update of the National Port System Law.

El Comercio, April 17, 2024.

MTC is in favor of updating the Port System Law, how would the law affect the port of Chancay?

Juan Carlos Salinas, senior partner and director of the Infrastructure, PPP and OxI area, comments in favor of a future update of the National Port System Law.

El Comercio, April 17, 2024.

¿Cuáles son las infraestructuras pendientes de construir que permitirán optimizar la operación del puerto de Chancay?

Juan Carlos Salinas, socio senior y director del área de Infraestructura, APP y OxI, resalta sobre la importancia de terminar con las obras que mejorarán los accesos al puerto para que se reduzcan los costos logísticos para las exportaciones.

El Comercio, 17 de abril de 2024.

What are the infrastructures pending construction that will optimize the operation of the port of Chancay?

Juan Carlos Salinas, senior partner and director of the Infrastructure, PPP and OxI area, highlights the importance of completing the works that will improve access to the port in order to reduce logistics costs for exports.

El Comercio, April 17, 2024.

What are the infrastructures pending construction that will optimize the operation of the port of Chancay?

Juan Carlos Salinas, senior partner and director of the Infrastructure, PPP and OxI area, highlights the importance of completing the works that will improve access to the port in order to reduce logistics costs for exports.

El Comercio, April 17, 2024.

El Congreso decidido a liberalizar depósitos CTS

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre la propuesta, por parte del Congreso, de liberar los depósitos por compensación de tiempo de servicios.

Perú21, 16 de abril de 2024.

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