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World Day for Safety and Health at Work: Reflections

In commemoration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice, reflects on the impact of climate change on OSH, especially with respect to particularly vulnerable workers.

El Peruano, April 23, 2024.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work: Reflections

In commemoration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice, reflects on the impact of climate change on OSH, especially with respect to particularly vulnerable workers.

El Peruano, April 23, 2024.

MEF: Ampliar número de notarios y otras seis medidas para el mediano plazo

Luis García, socio senior del área de Derecho Tributario, comenta sobre el proyecto de ley que alista el MEF para que se permita designar un mayor número de notarios en el Perú.

Gestión, 22 de abril de 2024.

MEF: Increase number of notaries and six other measures for the medium term

Luis García, senior partner of the Tax Law practice area, comments on the bill that the MEF is preparing to allow the appointment of a greater number of notaries in Peru.

Gestión, April 22, 2024.

MEF: Increase number of notaries and six other measures for the medium term

Luis García, senior partner of the Tax Law practice area, comments on the bill that the MEF is preparing to allow the appointment of a greater number of notaries in Peru.

Gestión, April 22, 2024.

Marcas “notoriamente conocidas” ahora deben probar periódicamente este reconocimiento

Alex Sosa, socio del área de Publicidad, Consumo y Privacidad, destaca que las marcas notoriamente conocidas cuentan con una protección reforzada que les permite accionar contra la confusión, dilución y aprovechamiento indebido de la reputación de la marca ajena.

Gestión, 21 de abril de 2024.

Well-known” brands must now periodically prove this recognition

Alex Sosa, partner of the Advertising, Consumer and Privacy area, points out that well-known trademarks have a reinforced protection that allows them to take action against confusion, dilution and undue advantage of the reputation of another’s trademark.

Gestión, April 21, 2024.

Well-known” brands must now periodically prove this recognition

Alex Sosa, partner of the Advertising, Consumer and Privacy area, points out that well-known trademarks have a reinforced protection that allows them to take action against confusion, dilution and undue advantage of the reputation of another’s trademark.

Gestión, April 21, 2024.

(In)aplicación de los daños punitivos en materia laboral

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, explica cómo la institución de los daños punitivos del derecho anglosajón se ha incorporado en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico a través de plenos jurisdiccionales llevados a cabo por la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República.

Revista Soluciones Laborales, 20 de abril de 2024.

(In)application of punitive damages in labor matters

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security area, explains how the institution of punitive damages of common law has been incorporated into our legal system through jurisdictional plenary sessions carried out by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic.

Revista Soluciones Laborales, April 20, 2024.

(In)application of punitive damages in labor matters

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security area, explains how the institution of punitive damages of common law has been incorporated into our legal system through jurisdictional plenary sessions carried out by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic.

Revista Soluciones Laborales, April 20, 2024.

Nota Laboral: Equidad Salarial

Nota Laboral: Equidad Salarial

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