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TC da más facultades a los municipios para revocar licencias de edificación de viviendas

Andrés Devoto, asociado del área de Regulación Municipal y Autorizaciones, comenta sobre el nuevo fallo del Tribunal Constitucional que brinda más facultades a las municipalidades para revocar licencias de edificación de viviendas.

Gestión, 1 de octubre de 2024

TC gives more powers to municipalities to revoke housing building licenses

Andres Devoto, associate of the Municipal Regulation and Authorizations area, comments on the new ruling of the Constitutional Court that gives more powers to municipalities to revoke housing construction licenses.

Gestión, October 1, 2024

TC gives more powers to municipalities to revoke housing building licenses

Andres Devoto, associate of the Municipal Regulation and Authorizations area, comments on the new ruling of the Constitutional Court that gives more powers to municipalities to revoke housing construction licenses.

Gestión, October 1, 2024

¿Trabajador de confianza podría ser indemnizado por despido? La Corte Suprema aclara

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre el reciente fallo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, acerca del despido de un trabajador en un cargo de confianza sustentado por una falta.

Gestión, 1 de octubre de 2024

Could a trusted employee be compensated for dismissal? The Supreme Court clarifies

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice, regarding the dismissal of a worker in a position of trust based on a misconduct.

Gestión, October 1, 2024

Could a trusted employee be compensated for dismissal? The Supreme Court clarifies

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice, regarding the dismissal of a worker in a position of trust based on a misconduct.

Gestión, October 1, 2024

Los plenos jurisdiccionales laborales como mecanismo para garantizar la seguridad jurídica y la predictibilidad

José Daniel Cadillo, asociado senior del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, analiza la problemática de la seguridad jurídica y la falta de predictibilidad de los fallos judiciales, así como los mecanismos procesales que pueden ser utilizados para resolver esta problemática.

Revista de la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social – Laborem, 30 de septiembre de 2024

Labor jurisdictional plenary sessions as a mechanism to guarantee legal certainty and predictability.

José Daniel Cadillo, senior associate of the Labor Law and Social Security area, analyzes the problem of legal certainty and the lack of predictability of judicial decisions, as well as the procedural mechanisms that can be used to solve this problem.

Magazine of the Peruvian Society of Labor Law and Social Security - Laborem, September 30, 2024

Labor jurisdictional plenary sessions as a mechanism to guarantee legal certainty and predictability.

José Daniel Cadillo, senior associate of the Labor Law and Social Security area, analyzes the problem of legal certainty and the lack of predictability of judicial decisions, as well as the procedural mechanisms that can be used to solve this problem.

Magazine of the Peruvian Society of Labor Law and Social Security - Laborem, September 30, 2024

Emiten decreto con cambios para licencias de edificación de viviendas

Andrés Devoto, asociado del área de Regulación Municipal y Autorizaciones, comenta sobre el decreto legislativo que emite cambios para las licencias de edificación de viviendas.

Gestión, 28 de septiembre de 2024

Decree issued with changes for housing construction licenses

Andres Devoto, associate of the Municipal Regulation and Authorizations area, comments on the legislative decree that issues changes for housing building licenses.

Gestión, September 28, 2024

Decree issued with changes for housing construction licenses

Andres Devoto, associate of the Municipal Regulation and Authorizations area, comments on the legislative decree that issues changes for housing building licenses.

Gestión, September 28, 2024

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