100% efectivos

Traslado de personal y el Tribunal de Sunafil

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre los requisitos que deben cumplirse para que el traslado de personal sea legalmente válido.

El Peruano, 14 de agosto de 2024

Transportation of personnel and the Sunafil Tribunal

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security area, comments on the requirements that must be met for the transfer of personnel to be legally valid.

El Peruano, August 14, 2024

Transportation of personnel and the Sunafil Tribunal

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security area, comments on the requirements that must be met for the transfer of personnel to be legally valid.

El Peruano, August 14, 2024

Consecuencias de la informalidad en el transporte

Juan José Albán, asociado senior del Estudio Muñiz sede Piura, comenta sobre las consecuencias de la informalidad en el transporte.

Diario Correo, 14 de agosto de 2024

Consequences of informality in the transport sector

Juan José Albán, senior associate at Estudio Muñiz Piura, comments on the consequences of informality in transportation.

Diario Correo, August 14, 2024

Consequences of informality in the transport sector

Juan José Albán, senior associate at Estudio Muñiz Piura, comments on the consequences of informality in transportation.

Diario Correo, August 14, 2024

Una mirada distinta al set de riesgos corporativos y el «riesgo de los riesgos»

Mauricio Olaya, socio principal y director del área de Derecho Corporativo y M&A, revisa de forma alternativa un set de riesgos corporativos consolidándolos desde una mirada más integral para llegar a los riesgos específicos.

Semana Económica, 14 de agosto de 2024

A different look at the set of corporate risks and the “risk of risks”

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A area, reviews in an alternative way a set of corporate risks consolidating them from a more comprehensive look to get to the specific risks.

Semana Económica, August 14, 2024

A different look at the set of corporate risks and the “risk of risks”

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A area, reviews in an alternative way a set of corporate risks consolidating them from a more comprehensive look to get to the specific risks.

Semana Económica, August 14, 2024

Ley de Teletrabajo: modificaciones irían contra su naturaleza

Ricardo Herrera, socio principal y director del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre las restricciones y nuevas obligaciones que incorpora las modificaciones a la ley del teletrabajo.

La República, 10 de agosto de 2024

Telework Law: modifications would go against its nature

Ricardo Herrera, senior partner and head of the Labor Law and Social Security practice, comments on the restrictions and new obligations incorporated in the amendments to the Telework Law.

La República, August 10, 2024

Telework Law: modifications would go against its nature

Ricardo Herrera, senior partner and head of the Labor Law and Social Security practice, comments on the restrictions and new obligations incorporated in the amendments to the Telework Law.

La República, August 10, 2024

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