100% efectivos

El riesgo de incurrir en administración fraudulenta

Juan José Albán, asociado senior del Estudio Muñiz sede Piura, explica los riesgos penales que enfrentan los administradores que incurran en una administración fraudulenta.

Diario Correo, 10 de octubre de 2024

The risk of incurring in fraudulent administration

Juan José Albán, senior associate of Estudio Muñiz Piura, explains the criminal risks faced by administrators who incur in fraudulent administration.

Diario Correo, October 10, 2024

The risk of incurring in fraudulent administration

Juan José Albán, senior associate of Estudio Muñiz Piura, explains the criminal risks faced by administrators who incur in fraudulent administration.

Diario Correo, October 10, 2024

Hoy es feriado (y ayer fue día no laborable)

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta cuánto recibirán las personas que trabajaron en el feriado por el Combate de Angamos.

El Peruano, 9 de octubre de 2024

Today is a holiday (and yesterday was a non-working day)

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security area, comments on how much the people who worked on the holiday for the Combate de Angamos will receive.

El Peruano, October 9, 2024

Today is a holiday (and yesterday was a non-working day)

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security area, comments on how much the people who worked on the holiday for the Combate de Angamos will receive.

El Peruano, October 9, 2024

Planeamiento estratégico de la muerte: ¿Qué es y cómo aplicarlo a las organizaciones?

Mauricio Olaya, socio principal y director del área de Derecho Corporativo y M&A, reflexiona sobre el planeamiento estratégico de la muerte y cómo aplicarlo a las organizaciones.

Gestión, 7 de octubre de 2024

Strategic death planning: What is it and how to apply it to organizations?

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A practice, reflects on strategic death planning and how to apply it to organizations.

Gestión, October 7, 2024

Strategic death planning: What is it and how to apply it to organizations?

Mauricio Olaya, senior partner and head of the Corporate Law and M&A practice, reflects on strategic death planning and how to apply it to organizations.

Gestión, October 7, 2024

Indecopi: “Cuello de botella” en procesos para registrar marca, las razones detrás

Jesús Espinoza, socio senior y director del área de Competencia, comenta sobre una reciente resolución del Tribunal de propiedad intelectual de Indecopi que habría puesto en evidencia los retrasos significativos en la tramitación de expedientes.

Gestión, 6 de octubre de 2024

Indecopi: “Bottleneck” in processes to register a trademark, the reasons behind it.

Jesús Espinoza, senior partner and director of the Competition area, comments on a recent resolution of the Intellectual Property Court of Indecopi that would have highlighted the significant delays in the processing of files.

Gestión, October 6, 2024

Indecopi: “Bottleneck” in processes to register a trademark, the reasons behind it.

Jesús Espinoza, senior partner and director of the Competition area, comments on a recent resolution of the Intellectual Property Court of Indecopi that would have highlighted the significant delays in the processing of files.

Gestión, October 6, 2024

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