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Indecopi: responsabilidad agravada para los CEO

Jesús Espinoza, socio senior y director del área de Competencia, comenta si Indecopi debería corregir su criterio y dejar de sancionar a cada vez más gerentes por infracciones contra el consumidor en las que ni siquiera han participado.

Semana Económica, 12 de octubre de 2024

Indecopi: aggravated liability for CEOs

Jesús Espinoza, senior partner and head of the Competition practice area, comments on whether Indecopi should correct its criteria and stop sanctioning more and more managers for consumer infringements in which they have not even participated.

Semana Económica, October 12, 2024

Indecopi: aggravated liability for CEOs

Jesús Espinoza, senior partner and head of the Competition practice area, comments on whether Indecopi should correct its criteria and stop sanctioning more and more managers for consumer infringements in which they have not even participated.

Semana Económica, October 12, 2024

Transporters' strike: Can I be penalized if I do not show up to work?

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on whether a worker can be penalized if he/she is late or does not arrive at his/her workplace due to the transportation workers’ strike.

Gestión, October 11, 2024

Transporters' strike: Can I be penalized if I do not show up to work?

César Puntriano, senior partner of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on whether a worker can be penalized if he/she is late or does not arrive at his/her workplace due to the transportation workers’ strike.

Gestión, October 11, 2024

Paro de transportistas: ¿Pueden sancionarme si no llego a trabajar?

César Puntriano, socio principal del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta si pueden sancionar a un trabajador si llega tarde o no llega a su lugar de trabajo por el paro de los transportistas.

Gestión, 11 de octubre de 2024

More grounds for nepotism: Congress would prohibit the hiring of compadres and godchildren

Ricardo Herrera, senior partner and head of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the bill that seeks to expand the grounds for nepotism, establishing more restrictions on hiring in public entities and state-owned companies.

Gestión, October 10, 2024

More grounds for nepotism: Congress would prohibit the hiring of compadres and godchildren

Ricardo Herrera, senior partner and head of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the bill that seeks to expand the grounds for nepotism, establishing more restrictions on hiring in public entities and state-owned companies.

Gestión, October 10, 2024

Más causales de nepotismo: Congreso prohibiría la contratación de compadres y ahijados

Ricardo Herrera, socio principal y director del área de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social, comenta sobre el proyecto de ley que busca ampliar las causales de nepotismo, estableciendo más restricciones a la contratación en entidades públicas y empresas estatales.

Gestión, 10 de Octubre de 2024

El microempresario como consumidor final

Aarón Vásquez, asociado senior del Estudio Muñiz sede Piura, comenta un reciente caso en el que la Sala de Protección al Consumidor del Indecopi ha dado un matiz a la restricción sobre el microempresario como consumidor final.

Diario Correo, 10 de octubre de 2024

The microentrepreneur as a final consumer

Aarón Vásquez, senior associate of Estudio Muñiz Piura, comments on a recent case in which the Consumer Protection Chamber of Indecopi has given a nuance to the restriction on the micro-entrepreneur as final consumer.

Diario Correo, October 10, 2024

The microentrepreneur as a final consumer

Aarón Vásquez, senior associate of Estudio Muñiz Piura, comments on a recent case in which the Consumer Protection Chamber of Indecopi has given a nuance to the restriction on the micro-entrepreneur as final consumer.

Diario Correo, October 10, 2024

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