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Green light given to public sector salary increase: agreements between the government and labor unions

Ricardo Herrera, senior partner and head of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the recent collective bargaining agreement between the Peruvian State and the union representation of various state confederations that establishes changes in the salaries of public servants.

Gestión, July 7, 2024.

Green light given to public sector salary increase: agreements between the government and labor unions

Ricardo Herrera, senior partner and head of the Labor Law and Social Security practice area, comments on the recent collective bargaining agreement between the Peruvian State and the union representation of various state confederations that establishes changes in the salaries of public servants.

Gestión, July 7, 2024.

Indecopi: cada vez más CEO son incluidos como responsables solidarios de infracciones

Alex Sosa, socio del área de Publicidad, Consumo y Privacidad del Estudio Muñiz, comenta sobre el aumento de CEO’s que son incluidos como responsables solidarios al momento de imponer sanciones por parte de Indecopi.

Semana Económica, 6 de Julio de 2024.

Indecopi: more and more CEOs are included as jointly and severally liable for infringements.

Alex Sosa, partner of the Advertising, Consumer and Privacy area of Estudio Muñiz, comments on the increase of CEO’s who are included as jointly and severally liable at the time of imposing sanctions by Indecopi.

Semana Económica, July 6, 2024.

Indecopi: more and more CEOs are included as jointly and severally liable for infringements.

Alex Sosa, partner of the Advertising, Consumer and Privacy area of Estudio Muñiz, comments on the increase of CEO’s who are included as jointly and severally liable at the time of imposing sanctions by Indecopi.

Semana Económica, July 6, 2024.

Estudio Muñiz en Canal N | Aumentarán salario a trabajadores administrativos del Estado

Estudio Muñiz en Canal N | Aumentarán salario a trabajadores administrativos del Estado

Estudio Muñiz on Canal N | State administrative workers to receive salary increase

Estudio Muñiz on Canal N | State administrative workers to receive salary increase

Estudio Muñiz on Canal N | State administrative workers to receive salary increase

Estudio Muñiz on Canal N | State administrative workers to receive salary increase

Estudio Muñiz en Exitosa | "El 70 porciento de jóvenes se equivocaron al momento de elegir su carrera"

Estudio Muñiz en Exitosa | “El 70 porciento de jóvenes se equivocaron al momento de elegir su carrera”

Estudio Muñiz in Exitosa : "70 percent of young people made a mistake when choosing their career"

Estudio Muñiz in Exitosa : “70 percent of young people made a mistake when choosing their career”

Estudio Muñiz in Exitosa : "70 percent of young people made a mistake when choosing their career"

Estudio Muñiz in Exitosa : “70 percent of young people made a mistake when choosing their career”

¿Tienes un tour programado? Agencias de viaje ahora tendrían que informar sobre el clima

Jesús Espinoza, socio senior del área de Competencia, comenta sobre la decisión del Indecopi de reafirmar que las agencias de viajes están obligadas a informar a los consumidores sobre las condiciones climatológicas de los destinos turísticos y reprogramar el viaje de ser necesario.

Gestión, 5 de Julio de 2024.

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